Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Final Blog Topic: What I got out of Summer Chem

For me, it was really important learning about the seriousness of water shortages and pollution on Earth. I live in a house where water is constantly available for me, even for silly things like filling up a water gun. I was aware of how poorer countries did not always recieve enough water, but I never fully realized how serious their conditions were. They have to walk miles to reach a water source, and even then the water is most likely not pure and contain harmful substances. Although people are providing clean water to them, they are charging them money they don't even have. Learning about this, and documenting how much water my household uses daily makes me feel selfish. I use water to wash my dog, that is purer than the water they drink. Summer chem helped me discover all of this, and more, and I will always remember the concepts that apply to my everyday life.

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