9. Sugar= 11g, Water= 44g
10. 15,000 ppm.
11.A water molecule is made polar because its hydrogen atoms are positive, and its oxygen atom is negative. Therefore it has both a positive and negative end, and attracts both kinds of ions.
12.On paper.
13. Water’s polar nature:
a. The oxygen, or negative, side.
b. The hydrogen, or positive, side.
14.They are called heavy because their masses are greater than those of essential metallic elements.
15.Numbness, tunnel vision, and brain damage.
16. Human exposure:
a. Lead: People could be exposed to lead through some paints or pottery that contains it.
b. Mercury: Human exposure to lead could come through a thermometer or a pesticide.
17. Hydroxide ions.
18. Hydrogen.
19.Acidic, Basic, or neutral:
a. Slightly basic.
b. Basic.
c. Acidic.
d. Neutral.
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