Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Water Shortage v.s. Water Pollution: Which is Worse?

  Water pollution and shortage are both life-threatening situations. In both scenarios the water supply is affected, whether it is not there or unusable. However, a water shortage is definitely more serious. It is said that humans can go almost one month without food, but cannot last a week without water. It is difficult to find more sources of water, especially in a dry climate. For example, people in poor countries must walk miles to get to a lake or stream. However, if that supply ran out they must search for another source. But that source may be inexistent or even farther out. Digging for water is an option, but some people may not have the resources to dig that far. Even if water was shipped out to them, it could take days. A shortage of water could lead to bigger problems as well. Wars over precious water sources could arise as people become desperate for water. Although we have not reached that level of seriousness yet, it may not be so far off. Water pollution on the other hand is easily solved by the technology we have. There are many, many ways to purify water, and nature can even do it themselves. Filtration, distillation, and chlorination are just a few of the way to cleanse water. Even if water is polluted in areas where these innovations are unavailable, boiling water is a quick and cheap way to remove most impurities. Water is one of the most important substances on earth, and not having enough of it is a deadly problem. 

Water Shortage

1 comment:

  1. I do agree that water shortage is a major problem, i feel that water pollution is a more important issue. Though in the U.S. water pollution is not a problem, in other, poorer countries the people would rather risk drinking the unclean water and getting waterborne diseases than go without water.
